Getting started with Camel K using Developer Sandbox
Have you ever asked yourself what it feels like to use Camel K? Have you ever wanted to just give it a try and have some hands-on experience? There is some g...
Have you ever asked yourself what it feels like to use Camel K? Have you ever wanted to just give it a try and have some hands-on experience? There is some g...
This post describes the steps to test a Camel K integration with YAKS both locally and on the Kubernetes platform.
The latest community version of the Knative client v0.26 includes a new kn plugin for managing Kamelets as Knative event sources (GitHub: knative-sandbox/kam...
YAKS is Cloud-Native BDD testing or simply “Yet Another Kubernetes Service”.
YAY, we have started to work on Citrus 3.0! Yesterday we have released a first milestone 3.0.0-M1. This is a big step in the Citrus project!
Some time has passed since part one of this blog post series and we have made some improvements on the Citrus Arquillian extension. So we can look forward to...
Citrus and Arquillian both refer to themselves as integration test frameworks. Following from that you might think these frameworks somehow ship the same pac...
In this post I will continue with the Apache Camel integration testing scenario that we have worked on in part one and part two of this series. This time we ...
In part one of this blog series we have used Citrus in combination with Apache Camel for setting up a complete integration test scenario. Remember we have in...
Apache Camel is a great mediation and routing framework that integrates with almost every enterprise messaging transport. In the past I have experienced Came...
Lately I had to deal with Excel files as REST Http service response. I came up with a pretty clever validation mechanism in Citrus that I would like to share...
TestNG provides brilliant support for test parameters and data providers. With some annotation magic you are able to pass parameter values to your test metho...
TestNG groups add great flexibility to the Citrus test execution. We are able to divide all tests into several groups reaching a sophisticated seperation of ...
By setting the SOAP mustUnderstand header attribute to “1”, you indicate that the service provider must process the SOAP header entry. In case the service pr...
Test cases in Citrus are usually provided with some meta information like the author’s name or the date of creation. This post shows how to extend on this to...